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How to reel the senses in and practice Pratyahara

Let's talk about PRATYAHARA or sense withdrawal.

sense withdrawal, Mad Yogi, practical yoga philosophy, relatable yoga philosophy, pratyahara

During my yoga flow classes, I would occasionally invite my class to close their eyes.

They would hear me say that this is to pare back the sensory input, in this case, the visual.

We can't really do anything about touch - we will feel the warmth created by our movement, the weight and shift of our clothes, tiny air currents, etc.

Neither can we regulate our sense of need to elaborate, I think; and taste, well, there's the taste of the water we take occasionally.

Then of course, I talk all the way through the class, so hearing is always on as well.

sense withdrawal, Mad Yogi, practical yoga philosophy, relatable yoga philosophy, pratyahara

But the eyes, now THAT, we have full control over! We can close our eyes and close off the sensory input coming from them. Now, when we do that, we can slowly dial-down what the other sensory organs bring in.

Imagine lowering the volume on any device, it's like that. 

Here's the beauty of this practice - when we control what comes in through our senses, we then have control over how they affect what happens in our minds and emotions.


...and TA-DA!!! We've created a space within us that is quiet, safe and where we can have a breather from the stress and crazy of everyday life.


Isn't that amazing!

That is Pratyahara, explained in a practical and relatable way that we can use for our everyday life.

sense withdrawal, Mad Yogi, practical yoga philosophy, relatable yoga philosophy, pratyahara

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