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MRW Philosophy Card Collection

Hello everyone! As with our other collections, I'm also collecting our Digital Yoga Philosophy Cards as a blog. The longer blogs are still separate, of course, but the shorter blurbs from our FB page will be all here for your easy access.



Hello everyone! We're coming back to our Yoga Philosophies MRW Affirmation Cards and starting with the Yamas. We already have the five Yama cards - #ahimsa, #staya, #asteya, #aparigraha, and #brahmacharya in the Affirmation Gallery on the website (links below)

But, how about #YAMA itself?

Here's the Mad Yogi deconstructed take on it - while the word "yama" translates to restraints, we should expand our understanding of this beyond the surface. The Yamas are not here to shackle us to some dogmatic idea, even though they are laudable behaviours. We should look at their lessons from a 3-dimentional perspective, or risk going against one, while following another.

Read our cards on the website and have a think.


Hello everyone! One of my hobbies is photography; #macrophotography and #extremecloseup, in particular. I love taking shots of #bees, especially...and if you follow me on my FB business page (which you are invited to, btw) you'll know that #gardening is another one. So, in short, I have the perfect location for "bee glamour shots"!

The thing is, both passions take so much time and effort to do - and it never ends, even when I sometimes want it to!

While taking this particular series of photos though, I was struck with a warm sense of contentment.

Yes, the things I want to do demand a lot from me, but the emotional aftermath of my descision to keep on doing them fills me with #Santosha / #Contentment.

So I keep on.

What are your experiences? Comment below!


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